Who hasn’t dreamed of being a wealthy landowner, the master of a lavish country estate, or an elegant noble lady whose life is a whirl of fine food, beautiful clothing, social soirées and charitable works? 

These fantasies are often based on the age-old stories and imagery of the noble Lords and Ladies of the past, the noblemen and women of Medieval Europe or Renaissance Britain. And it’s true that the heyday of the aristocracy – the hierarchy of nobles and titled aristocrats – was at its peak during the centuries of the last millennium. Our modern imaginings of the nobility are often based on these historic figures, the Lords and Ladies of old. 

But what about the modern-day aristocrats? What’s it like to be a 21st century Lord or Lady? And what are the perks of joining the ranks of this esteemed social group? 

These are questions that many ordinary people still wonder about, and the good news is that it is still possible to become a genuine noble Lord or Lady, even for those not born into aristocratic families or in line for a noble inheritance. 

So, if you are curious about the perks of becoming a Lord or Lady and what that means in the modern world, here are some ways that acquiring an authentic noble title can open up a new world of social elevation that the nobles of old would recognise. 

Preferential Treatment

While the ancient Lords and nobles may have never known anything other than being a dignitary or esteemed individual, those who become a Lord or Lady later in life are likely to notice that people tend to treat those with a noble title a little differently. 

Noble Title on a Business Class Upgrade

While the legal rights of a modern-day Lord or Lady may not be quite as impressive as they were in times past, the subtle ways that people of all walks of life respond to a noble title are undeniable. 

It’s easy to imagine how including Lord or Lady when making a booking of any kind might inspire a little extra attention from the staff members. Whether it’s booking a table in a restaurant, a seat on a plane, or a room in a hotel, casually using the title of Lord or Lady is likely to inspire the person making the booking, calling to their mind their own images of living a noble life and moving in aristocratic circles. 

As a result, whether as a conscious decision or a more subtle influence, there’s a good chance that you will be allocated a better table, seat or hotel room than if you’d been booking as an everyday Mr or Mrs. 

All businesses love to look after their VIP guests, in the hopes that they will make a positive impression so the esteemed persons will return and maybe even bring their VIP friends. 

So, when making any booking using a title such as Lord or Lady, you can confidently expect a little extra attention and to get used to those surprise upgrades. While it may not happen every time, and it might not be an official privilege that you can expect by default, you’ll likely notice that, as you adopt the identity of a Lord or Lady, many people will treat you differently in a delightful and positive way. 

Financial Confidence

The aristocracy has, throughout history, been regarded as the wealthiest members of society, second only to the rich royals and sovereigns in their enjoyment of financial plenty and lavish properties. 

This legacy of wealth lives on in the minds of people today, from all walks of life, including those who offer financial services or deal with investments and money. 

While a noble title in no way guarantees a certain amount of wealth – in fact, there were many nobles throughout history who found their fortunes greatly diminished for various reasons – yet the perception of nobility carries with it a certain financial confidence.

Noble Title on a Check

Regardless of your actual finances, if you present yourself as an official Lord or Lady, it’s likely that you will be perceived as a person of means. Of course, in any sound financial transaction, there will be due diligence to determine the truth of your finances, but the idea in the mind of prospective partners or investors is likely to be based on a more confident or positive appraisal than if you didn’t possess a noble title. 

Social Advancement

What society hostess would be able to resist having a genuine Lord or Lady at their party or gathering? 

The idea of social influence and the value of esteemed guests is not a new phenomenon, this bias was alive and thriving during the height of the aristocracy, when a person’s family name and fortune could make or break their place in society. 

And while we may live in more egalitarian times today, it can still be a feather in the cap to have titled nobles on your guest list, lending a certain cache and air of respectability, importance and elevated social rank. 

So, one of the perks of becoming a Lord or Lady is likely to be an increase in invitations to parties, events or committees. You might also confidently expect that the calibre of invitations also reflects your newly elevated status, as word of your status and perceived influence filter through into your social circles or business contacts. 

Many success stories claim that the secret was simply being in the right place at the right time. While a noble title doesn’t guarantee your success in your chosen endeavours, it can certainly help to open doors and mix with more of the world’s movers and shakers, granting you access to the kind of people who can assist with your success. 

These are just three of the perks you might begin to enjoy if you upgrade your social standing to that of a Lord or Lady. Whether you are keen to make an impression in the financial world, or you want to enjoy a more elevated experience of social advancement, or you simply love the idea of surprise upgrades and attentive service, all these and more make the addition of a noble title a truly worthwhile investment.