by Chancellor von Moritz | Jun 29, 2024 | Aristocracy, Noble Titles, Princess, Princesses, Royal Titles
Royal names are classic sources of inspiration when it comes to choosing a name for a newborn. Most parents want to give their baby a name that will carry them through life with confidence and self-assurance. So, a desire to evoke a sense of regal elegance is...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Jun 15, 2024 | Duchess, Kings, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
The story of Meghan Markle, the American actress who married a prince, has captured the imagination of people all around the world. The high-profile couple, known formally as The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, has become headline news across the globe, with the...
by Chancellor von Moritz | May 4, 2024 | Noble Titles, Princess, Princesses, Queen, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Titles
The three children of the Prince and Princess of Wales have charmed and delighted millions of royal watchers and followers around the world in recent years. Prince George, the king-in-training, is growing up as a successor to the British throne. His younger...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Feb 24, 2024 | Aristocracy, Kings, Noble Titles, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Houses, Royal Titles
Almost as historic and legendary as the British Royal Family itself is the headquarters and home base for England’s kings and queens – the world-famous royal residence: Buckingham Palace. With its staterooms that have hosted leaders of the free...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Feb 9, 2024 | Aristocracy, Kings, Noble Titles, Princess, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Houses, Royal Titles
The great royal families of the world have traditionally made strategic marriages and alliances in order to strengthen their sovereign claims and boost their political might. These marriages have led to a fascinating collection of royal family trees that have...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Jan 25, 2024 | Aristocracy, Empress, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Houses, Royal Titles
Empress Sisi is one of the most charismatic of history’s primary characters. She lived a life at the forefront of the greatest events of the age – the second half of the 19th century – in one of the most spectacular imperial courts of Europe,...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Jan 5, 2024 | Aristocracy, Kings, Noble Titles, Princes, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Houses, Royal Titles
Throughout history, kings and queens have been known by a variety of terms. Examples include rulers, monarchs and crowned heads of state. The term sovereign has also been used often to refer to a royal ruler such as a king, queen, emperor, empress, tsar, tsarina or...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Dec 28, 2023 | Aristocracy, Noble Titles, Princes, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
As the lands and territories of the great rulers and sovereigns around the globe began to adopt formal boundaries and political independence, a number of terms emerged to describe the types of countries and their status on the world stage. Kingdoms & Empires...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Mar 28, 2023 | Aristocracy, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Houses, Royal Titles
Little girls the whole world over have wondered what it must be like to be a princess. It’s not unusual for many young girls to declare that when they grow up they’re going to marry a handsome prince and become a princess, living in a castle and perhaps...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Jan 15, 2023 | Kingdoms, Kings, Noble Titles, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Titles
In the realms of royal titles and sovereign ranks, there are a number of lesser-known titles that have been in use for many centuries and yet are sometimes confusing or difficult to define. Of course, the main royal titles are clear and easy to understand...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Jan 6, 2023 | Duchess, Knight, Noble Titles, Princes, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
While the social spheres of royalty and the nobility have been an integral part of human evolution for over a thousand years, within that time, there have been numerous trends and subtle changes. The Evolution Of Royal Titles The social structures and...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Dec 30, 2022 | Kingdoms, Kings, Noble Titles, Princes, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Titles
There are a fair number of curious idiosyncrasies within the systems of royalty and aristocracy, but perhaps one of the most popular queries relates to the well-known phrase ‘a person of blue-blood’. But what does this curious phrase actually...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Nov 20, 2022 | Kings, Noble Titles, Princesses, Queens, Royal Family, Royal Titles
A popular image of the kings and queens of history depicts lifestyles of lavish wealth and supreme power. For many royals throughout the ages, riches and sovereignty were a given, some even claimed that they were a divine right and sacred privilege, ordained by God by...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Oct 15, 2022 | Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
The work of royals around the world often includes the headline-grabbing photo opportunities of ceremonial occasions or public appearances. For many modern royals, simply performing royal duties is their day job. These roles can include a wide range of...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Sep 29, 2022 | Kings, Knight, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
The USA is renowned throughout the world as one of the great modern republics. After the nation declared its independence from British sovereign rule on the 4th of July 1776, America went on to become one of the leading global powers, most notably without a...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Aug 26, 2022 | Princesses, Royal Family, Royal Titles
Being born into royalty may seem to be the ultimate life advantage for the vast majority of people who only ever view royal living from the outside. However, throughout the ages, there have been tales of royals and nobles born into the most elevated positions in...
by Chancellor von Moritz | May 12, 2022 | Duke, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Titles
Marriage has traditionally been one of the simplest ways to elevate social status for those of us not born into the highest echelons of society. Throughout the ages, ordinary people or those of lower noble ranks have aspired to greater status and viewed an...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Apr 22, 2022 | Duchess, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Titles
When it comes to the world of royals and nobles, these members of the highest social echelons may appear to occupy the same lofty ranks and roles, enjoying the same privileged lives of power, riches and glamour. It may seem as though a Duchess and a Princess...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Apr 15, 2022 | Baron, Count, Duke, Earl, Knight, Lady, Lord, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Titles
There are obviously many perks and privileges to being a king or queen. While it’s clear from the characters of history that not all those born into the role of reigning sovereign are natural or even willing monarchs, there’s no doubt that there are...
by Chancellor von Moritz | Apr 9, 2022 | Earl, Noble Titles, Princesses, Royal Titles
During ancient times, the way to ascend the established social ranks was to become ennobled by the reigning monarch, i.e. granted a noble or aristocratic title. For many of the original nobles, this meant being a valued confidant, advisor, or supporter of the...